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Assigning User Managers
Assigning User Managers

With an additional permission enabled, Group managers can oversee their members across the entire platform in every course/learning path.

Stephen Krzeminski avatar
Written by Stephen Krzeminski
Updated over 3 years ago

User Managers (also Group Managers) can manage the course enrollment and progress of all users within a group that they have been assigned the Manager for.

To create a Manager, you will need to first assign that user as a Manager in the platform. To do this, go to People > Users and select the Edit option under Quick Actions. Use the Role drop-down menu to change the user to a Manager.


After you have assigned that user as a Manager, create a group (if it has not already been created) and add the users into the group that you want the Manager to be able to oversee. Once you have done this, go to the Managers tab and assign a Manager to the group.


Next, edit the permissions of the Manager so that it looks like this:


Check off the boxes next to each permission that you want assigned to this Manager. Only the options you have selected will enable to the Manager to perform those functions.

* Only the last option is mandatory. If you only want the Manager to be able to run reports on the users and not be able to edit their progress, do not check the option that allows them to "update course progresses & grade assessment".

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