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Using the Announcement Board Widget
Using the Announcement Board Widget

The Announcement Board lets you post information and content that appears on the home page of your Learners' interface.

Catherine Wnuk avatar
Written by Catherine Wnuk
Updated over 11 months ago

Navigate to the Platform Settings tab and click on Dashboard Customization.

Hover over a Dashboard and click on the Edit button.

Next, scroll down until you see Learner Dashboard Widgets. Look for Announcement Board and click on the Edit button. You may need to add it from the Currently Disabled list.

On the next page, click on the Create Announcement button to create a new announcement.

  1. Active Announcement Card: This option determines whether the card is visible to users. Turn this off to hide a card.

  2. Announcement Dismiss Date on a Learner Homepage: Currently, announcements can always be

  3. Launch Date/Expiry Date: Set the date range for when the card is visible on the dashboard

  4. Announcement Title: This is going to be the title of the card and is displayed right above the main text of the announcement.

  5. Announcement: The main text of the announcement.

  6. Announcement Card Image/Video: If you want to attach an image or a video, you can have one displayed above the title and text.

  7. Announcement Hyperlink URL: You can also add a link as a button to an announcement. Enter the URL that you want to the button to link to.

  8. Announcement Hyperlink URL Label: This is the text that is shown on the button.

After you've added your announcement, you'll see it appear in the Announcement Card panel.

If you have multiple announcement cards, you can reorder them by clicking on the arrows at the top of the page or by clicking and dragging the six dots on the left. Cards can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon, including setting cards to inactive.

Deleting cards is done by clicking on the red trash icon. Most of these buttons will only show up when hovering over the card.

Legacy Instructions

Navigate to the Branding tab and click on New Learner Interface Settings.


Scroll down to Learner Dashboard Widgets and make sure the Announcement Board widget is enabled. If necessary, use the ⬆ and ⬇ buttons to change where the widget will appear on the Learner home screen. Finally, click on Edit Cards to add an announcement.


On the next page, there are several settings you can use to customize the announcement.

  1. Active Announcement Card: This option determines whether the card is visible to users. Turn this off to hide a card.

  2. Announcement Dismiss Date on Learner Homepage: Choose how the card can be removed. Currently only manual deletion is supported, with more options being added in the future.

  3. Announcement Category (A): Title/category text that is displayed at the top of an announcement card.

  4. Announcement Description (B): The main text that is used for the announcement's body.

  5. Upload Image/Video (C): This image or video will be displayed on the announcement card.

  6. URL (D): Enter the URL that the announcement button should link to.

  7. URL Label (D): Customize the button's text.

  8. Announcement Card Visibility: Shows which Groups can currently view the announcement and toggles the Card Visibility settings panel.

  9. Card Visibility Configurator: Use the checkboxes to select the Groups that the announcement will be visible to.

  10. Update: Use this button to save your changes.


A. Announcement Category

B. Announcement Description

C. Announcement Image/Video

D. URL/URL Label


Once you're done, just click Update to save your changes and repeat for any other announcements you want to post.

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