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Using Checklists
Using Checklists

Checklists are a great way to track tasks completed by your learners, as well as create a standardized workflow for testing, as shown here.

Catherine Wnuk avatar
Written by Catherine Wnuk
Updated over 10 months ago

Checklists help you track tasks completed by your learners. With a 1 – 5 scale, custom point values, and yes/no formats available, you can easily record how well a task was performed. Additionally, optional subtasks let you drill down to ensure that the entire process was followed from start to finish.

Creating a Checklist

Checklists can be created by either clicking on either Checklists in the Training Elements section, or by clicking on the Add Course Content to a Course and selecting Create New under Checklists. Both methods will take you to this page. Click on Create New Checklist, provide a Name and/or a Description, then click on Create Checklist to Save.

Next click on New Task.

On the next page, enter the first task into the text box and set whether it should be graded as a Yes/No task, on a scale of 1–5, or use a custom point value that you set with.

You can either click on Save Task to add the task to the Checklist, or you can click on Add a Subtask to add another step to this task, as shown below.

Grading a Checklist

To learn about grading a checklist, refer to this article.

Editing a Graded Checklist

To edit a Checklist that has already been graded, click on the Course that contains the Checklist, then navigate to the Learners tab. Find the user whose Checklist needs to be edited and click the link under Course Progress.

Then, then click on the View Checklist button.

What a Learner Sees

When a Learner clicks on a Checklist in a course, they will see all tasks and subtasks. However, Checklists cannot be completed by Learners, so this serves only as a guide for what the Checklist will entail.

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