There are quite a few reports in SkyPrep that are available for your use. Here is a breakdown of what each path will display:
1) Course -> A Summary of All Courses: Course Name, Number of Enrolled Users, Active/Inactive Course, Date Last Updated, Certificate Yes/No
2) Course -> Summary of a Course -> (Choose Course) -> Summary of This Course: First Name, Last Name, Email, Profile Information (phone number, country, etc.), User Role (Admin, Content Manager, Manager, Learner), Course Status, Average Exam Score, Date Started, Date Completed, Certificate Expiration Date, Currently Enrolled Yes/No, Deadline Date, Certificate Number, Certificate URL
3) Course -> Summary of a Course -> (Choose Course) -> Summary of a Group in This Course -> (Choose Group): Name, Email, Course Progress, Course Status, Average Exam Score, Time Spent in Course, Date Started, Date Completed, Deadline Date
4) Course -> Summary of a Course -> (Choose Course) -> Summary of a User in This Course -> (Choose User): User Profile Information, Average Exam Score, Individual Exam Attempt (Exam Name, Exam Score, Required Passing Grade, Status, Date Attempted), Course Module Breakdown (Module Number, Module Name, Module Status, Time Spent, Required Time Spent, Mandatory Yes/No
5) User -> Summary of All Users: User Profile Information, Course Status in all courses, Completion Date (if applicable)
6) User -> Summary of a User -> (Choose User) -> Summary of This User in a Course -> (Choose Course): Refer to 4
7) User -> Summary of a User -> (Choose User) -> Summary of This User: Enrolled Courses, Course Status, Course Progress, Average Exam Score, Date Started, Date Completed, Expiration Date, Time Spent in Course
8) Group -> Summary of All Groups: Group Names, Number of Group Members, List of Enrolled Courses per Group
9) Group -> Summary of a Group -> (Choose Group) -> Summary of Group's Courses: Email, Course Status in each course the group is enrolled in.
10) Group -> Summary of a Group -> (Choose Group) -> Summary of a Course Assigned to This Group -> (Choose Course): Name, Email, Course Progress, Course Status, Average Exam Score, Total Time Spent in Minutes, Date Started, Date Completed, Deadline Date
11) Group -> Summary of a Group -> (Choose Group) -> Summary of Group Members: Date Assigned to Group, Name, Email, Profile Information, Role, Course Status
12) Assessment -> (Choose Assessment) -> (Choose Users): Question, Correct Answer, Given Answer (for every attempt of each user), Name, Email, Date of Exam Attempt
13) Learning Path -> Summary of All Learning Paths: Learning Path Name, Number of Courses, Number of Users
14) Learning Path -> Summary of a Learning Path -> (Choose Learning Path): Course Names, Number of Users
15) Learning Path -> Summary of a Learning Path -> (Choose Learning Path) -> Summary of a Course Assigned to This Learning Path -> (Choose Course): Name, Email, Course Progress, Course Status, Average Exam Score, Date Started, Date Completed
16) Learning Path -> Summary of a Learning Path -> (Choose Learning Path) -> Summary of Learning Path Members: Name, Email, Profile Information, Role, Number of Courses, Number of Groups, Name of Groups, Last Login Date, Account Creation Date, Course Progresses
17) Instructor Led Training -> (Choose ILT) -> Summary of All Time Slots: Time Slot Number, Time Slot Status (Upcoming, In-Progress, Passed), Time Slot Instructor, Time Slot Start Time, Time Slot End Time, Time Slot Time Zone, Time Slot Location, Time Slot User Attendance (X out of Y attended), Name, Email, Status (Attended, Absent)