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Creating Courses
Creating Courses

Courses are created by combining materials and assessments. This article explains how to take individual modules and turn them into courses.

Catherine Wnuk avatar
Written by Catherine Wnuk
Updated over 11 months ago

To create a course, just click on Courses, followed by Create Course on the right. Name your course, then click the final Create Course button.

From the course page, click on Course Content. Here, you have several different methods of adding items on this page.

The first uses the Add Course Content link. Using this menu, you can add material that you've already uploaded into the Materials section by selecting the Add Existing Material option underneath the Materials heading. Assessments are added the same way – by choosing the Add Existing Assessments option, this time under the Assessments heading.

Alternatively, you can opt to upload brand new material into the course that you haven't yet added to your SkyPrep platform. The option for that is right underneath the option for adding Existing Materials.

Uploading materials in this fashion will automatically add whatever you've added to the course into the Materials section of your platform as well.

You can also use the drag-and-drop area at the bottom of the page to quickly add files to your course.

Once added, you will see that the material has appeared at the bottom of the list of modules. If you want to change where the material appears in the list, simply click and drag the cross icon on the right side of the module.

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