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Enforcing Video Viewing Time
Enforcing Video Viewing Time

To prevent learners from skipping through a video and gaining completion credit, you can use the features described in this article.

Catherine Wnuk avatar
Written by Catherine Wnuk
Updated over 3 years ago

While we can’t force learners to sit in front of their computers for the duration of the video, we can help you enforce the minimum amount of time that a video needs to be shown before it is marked as complete. We have two ways of doing this.

Click on Training then on Courses. Click on a course. From there, go to the Course Content tab. Hover over the video and click on the blue Edit button (pencil icon) that appears to the right of the video.

Enter the amount of seconds that you want your learners to watch the video for in the Time Required to Spend on Item (in seconds):.

With this feature enabled, a learner will not be able to complete the video unless it has been watched for the specified amount of time. To mark a video as optional, you can enter 0 seconds.

You can also enable Disable Playback Controls which removes the scrubbing bar (a user will only be able to play/pause the video) for the first viewing. After a video has been marked as completed, the playback controls will be usable by the learner.

Once you're done, click Update on the bottom.

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