Configuring Feature Access
In Ceridian Dayforce, click on the hamburger button in the top left of your screen. Click System Admin then Roles.
Navigate to the Features area and check the HCM Anywhere and Web Services options
Configuring Field-Level Access
Navigate to the Web Services Field-Level Access area.
For each RESTful Service, click on the word and choose Select All.
Note: Payroll is optional here.
Ensure Employee XRefCode is enabled
Expand the Human Resources category and then expand Employee. The last item in the list will be XRefCode β ensure that this is enabled.
Configuring Org-Level Access
Again, click on the hamburger button in the top left of your screen. Click System Admin but this time select Roles.
Note: the authenticating user needs Can See Self enabled.
Expand the User by clicking on the arrow highlighted in blue below. Click Location Access then on + Add Location. Add the Company Level Location.
Optional: Configuring Role Assignments for POST & PATCH
If you need write functionality (i.e. POST /Time-Off), configure the following as well.
Click the hamburger button in the upper left corner and click on on System Admin then Roles.
Navigate to Features and expand HCM Anywhere and Web Services and ensure Patch/Post Employee Time Off is enabled.
Step 6: Authenticate with your credentials in SkyPrep
Click on the Settings button in the upper-right and select Integrations. Find Ceridian Dayforce and click Configure or Add to SkyPrep if it hasn't already been added.
Turn the Enabled setting on and click Update Settings in the bottom right.
Enter your Ceridian Dayforce credentials under Client Namespace, Username, and Password.
Auto Import New Users allows JIT creation in SkyPrep, with new Ceridian Dayforce users being added to the SkyPrep platform.
Enable Email Notifications on New User Creation will send the New User Notification Email to users when new accounts are created via the integration.
βRemove users from groups they are no longer a part of in Ceridian Dayforce allows you to manage enrolment in real time. If a user is removed from a Groiup, they are also unenrolled from all courses assigned via that group.
βDeactivate users in the LMS that are no longer in Ceridian Dayforce is similar to Terminate Date Action, but instead activates upon their removal from Dayforce rather than their termination date being set.
Deactivate existing users who no longer match import rules: When enabled, this option will disable the accounts of users who were previously imported via the integration but no longer match the rules in place. This will prevent them from logging in and from being updated further by the integration.
Update the profiles of existing disabled users: When enabled, disabled users will still have their profiles updated by the integration. This overrides the standard behavior of not updating disabled users.
Next, click on Data Mapping.
Configure your Data Mapping and pay attention to include the first name, last name, and email, as those three are mandatory for proper account creation.
Primary is the main data field that SkyPrep will pull from, while Seconday is the field that SkyPrep will use if the Primary is empty.
If you are on a Dayforce plan that supports SSO and you intend to use it with SkyPrep, you should use SAML and ensure that your chosen attributes reflect the setup you have here.
To view supported SAML claims, click here.
Next, click Import Rules, then on Add Rule.
Here you can set up different rules to determine which users will show up in your import list. Just make sure to click Save Rules at the bottom of your page once you're done.
Please note that this acts as a failsafe and users who you manually import will have to match these rules as well.
Finally, click on Users. This will begin loading in all of your users, which may take some time based on which API you chose. Once the list is populated, you can use the checkboxes to select all or individual users for import.
After finalizing the list, click on Import to begin adding the users to SkyPrep.