To begin setting up your UKG Pro Integration, click on the Settings button and then on Integrations.
Next, click Add to SkyPrep under UKG Pro. If UKG Pro is under the "Disabled Integrations" list, click Configure.
Next, select Link UKG Pro.
You will need your UKG Pro API Key, a Service Account and your UKG Web Services URL. Follow these steps to link your UKG Pro account.
Step One: Find your UKG Pro Customer API Key.
1.) You'll want to login to your UKG Pro account and search Service Account Administration in your search bar on the top right.
2.) Copy the Customer API Key from under the header.
3.) Paste the Customer API Key into Skyprep.
Step Two: Create your Service Account
1.) On the UKG Pro Service Account Administration Page, click on + add in the upper right hand side.
2.) Enter in the admin of your UKG Pro account's username and email. You will need the username later.
3.) Scroll down under Web Service to enable permissions.
View Employee Person Details is the minimum requirement to authenticate your account with Merge.
Depending on the use case, you may be required to add some, or all, of these permissions:
Employee Pay Statement
Employee Employment Information
PTO Plan Integration
Company Configuration Integration
Payroll Integration
Personnel Integration
Employee Job History Details
Employee Person Details
Employee Compensation Details
4.) Click Save. Your new password will pop up. Save the password in a secure location.
5.) Enter your UKG Pro service account credentials into SkyPrep and click Submit.
This should be the user name of your admin service user and the password you just generated.
Step Three: Finding your UKG Web Service Domain.
1.) In your search bar, search for Web Services.
2.) Look at any of the "web service endpoint URLs" and find your subdomain.
For example if your URL is, then your subdomain is "Servicet".
3.) Find your top-level domain.
For example if your URL is, then your top level domain is "".
Step Four: Complete Merge Link
On the Enter your UKG Pro Web Services URL (Part 1) screen in SkyPrep, enter your subdomain then click Submit.
On the Enter your UKG Pro Web Services URL (Part 2) screen, select the URL that matches your top level domain then hit Submit.
Set the integration to Enabled and fill in Client Namespace, Username, and Password for your UKG Pro account, and designate what user fields you want to use in the Expand Fields area. The expected format for Expand Fields is comma-separated text with no spaces, such as "contacts,employmentstatuses,managername".
Next, set the Time Between API Calls. This sets how quickly the integration can submit API requests which allows you to ensure you stay within your allowed API rate limit.
Termination Date Action lets you decide what happens if a termination date is added to a user's profile in UKG Pro. If Reactivate terminated users in the LMS that are no longer terminated in UKG Pro is turned on, user will be reactivated if the Termination Date was removed.
Enable Email Notifications on New User Creation will send the New User Notification Email to users when new accounts are created via the integration.
Remove users from groups they are no longer a part of in UKG Pro will unenroll users from Groups they are removed from in UKG Pro. This will also unenroll them from any courses and Learning Paths they are enrolled in via that Group.
Deactivate users in the LMS that are no longer in UKG Pro will disable removed users, preventing them from being able to log in while retaining all of their training records.
Deactivate existing users who no longer match import rules: When enabled, this option will disable the accounts of users who were previously imported via the integration but no longer match the rules in place. This will prevent them from logging in and from being updated further by the integration.
Update the profiles of existing disabled users: When enabled, disabled users will still have their profiles updated by the integration. This overrides the standard behavior of not updating disabled users.
Next, click on the Data Mapping field.
Here you can choose which SkyPrep Property is linked to your UKG Pro values. The Primary Value is what will be used first, with Secondary Value being used if the Primary value is blank in a user's profile.
You can add additional SkyPrep Properties by adding additional Custom Labels in your Platform Settings area.
Finally, click on Import Rules. This area allows you to set rules to determine which users are added to your platform. To add a rule, click on Add Rule.
You can then set a rule and specify whether the user is added or skipped if they match the conditions.