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Content Manager - An Overview
Content Manager - An Overview

This article is an overview of your role, covering all of the features and functionality that are available to you for creating courses.

Stephen Krzeminski avatar
Written by Stephen Krzeminski
Updated over a week ago

Note: This feature is deprecated and will be removed by the end of 2024, to be fully replaced by the Roles & Permissions feature.

Adding Content


Material is any content you add to your platform, such as videos, PowerPoints presentations, and SCORM packages. These form the backbone of most courses and can be uploaded to your platform through the Materials section.

To begin adding items, click on Content Manager on the top of the page and click on Materials. Click the Add Material button on the upper-right corner of the page to open the uploader.

You can also Drag and Drop your files from your desktop onto the page and upload it that way.

The Single File option allows you to add files one at a time.

Click Select File to open the uploader. You will also be able to add content directly from online services such as Dropbox or Google Drive with this button.

Multiple Files is similar to Single File but allows you to add multiple files at the same time.

Content Builder will let you access our built-in material creation tool. To use the feature, click on the Launch Content Builder button and drag-and-drop the tiles on the right into the page on the left.

Youtube and Vimeo allow you to add videos from the respective platforms. All you'll need is the URL from your browser — no need for any fancy embed codes.

If you want to add content from a website, use Embed Link. Only websites starting with https:// are supported — http:// sites are not permitted.

After entering the URL, you can enable the Should this Link be Embedded? option to have the website displayed in your platform. If you do not see this option, click outside of the text field after entering the URL.

The Rich HTML option is a basic text creation tool with the ability to also create content using HTML code.

SCORM 1.2 Package and AICC are specific to each format. If you have any SCORM 1.2 or AICC content, it must be uploaded using the correct option — using drag-and-drop or the Single/Multiple File options will not work.


To start, ensure that you are in Manager Mode in the upper-right, then select Assessments under the Content Manager heading.

After clicking on the Create Assessment button, give the assessment a name and click on the Create Assessment button. You can also add a description of the assessment that will be visible to your learners, choose the category, and assign it to a course.

To start adding questions to your assessment, click on Assessment Questions and then click Add Question.

Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice questions provides your users with several answer options to a question, and it's up to them to select the one(s) that is correct.

To create a multiple choice question, select Multiple Choice in the Question Type menu.

Enter your question in the field where it says Question Title. You will also see Option 1 through Option 4. These are the fields where you enter the answer options.

If you need to add more, click Add a Choice at the bottom, and click the red Trashcan icon to remove one (visible by hovering over the option). You can also attach an image for each option by clicking Add Option Image.

To specify the correct answer(s), click on the box below the answer - you can have more than one checked at a time. If multiple are chosen, make sure you set the correct Multiple Choice Option.

Reordering the questions is as easy as clicking and dragging the icon to the left of the box.

True / False

Your users will be given a statement and will have to determine whether it is true or false.

To create a true or false question, choose True/False in the Question Type menu. Enter your statement in the Question Title field and if the statement is true, click the box beside This Statement is True, and This Statement is False if it's not.

Fill in the Blank

Fill in the blank questions require a learner to enter a word that is missing in a statement.

To create a fill in the blank question, select Fill in the Blank in the Question Type menu. Enter the statement in the Question Title. You can use underscores (_) to show where the missing word(s) is. Enter the correct answer in the field at the bottom and separate correct answers with commas (,). Answers are not case-sensitive.

Short Answer

Short answers are questions where you pose a question to your learners and they have to type a response.

To create one, select Short Answer.

Short Answers are the only type of question that are not automatically marked by SkyPrep. Unique to this question format, you can allow learners to upload files as part of their answer.

Random Question Bank

The Random Question Bank is used to place in a specific number of randomly chosen questions from multiple different categories.

To create a question for the Question Bank, click on Random Question Bank, then on Create Question for Question Bank.

You'll need to create a new category (or choose an existing one) before creating the question. Categories are used to customize the questions that appear. For example, you can insert 3/5 questions from Category A, and 5/8 questions from Category B.

After selecting the category, click Create Question and create it as normal.

Do this for all the categories and questions you want, then go back to Assessment Questions. Use the dropdown menu to select Add Random Questions, then choose the category you want to add. By adding a category, one question from that category will be randomly chosen and added to the assessment each time it is taken.

Assessment Settings

By clicking on General Settings, you'll be able to modify the assessment's settings.

  • Assessment Name: You can change the name of the exam using this field.

  • Description: The description of the assessment that your learners see before they attempt the assessment.

  • Passing Grade: Lets you specify the percentage grade that a learner must achieve in order to successfully pass the assessment. Set this to 0 to have learners always pass, such as during practice tests.

  • Shuffle Question Order: Randomizes the question order each time the assessment is taken.

  • Time Limit: The number of minutes that a learner has to complete the assessment. Set this to 0 if you don't want a time limit.

  • Maximum Number of Attempts: How many times a learner can attempt the assessment.

  • Hours Between Attempts: The number of hours that must elapse before a user can attempt the assessment again. Set this to 0 to allow immediate follow-up attempts.

  • Prevent Access to Courses During Assessment Attempts: This will lock the user out of every course until they have completed the assessment.

  • Post-Assessment User Feedback: Please refer to this article.

Learning Paths

Learning Paths are essentially groups of courses that can have a set order.

To create a Learning Path, click on Content Manager, then Learning Paths, then Create Learning Path.

You will then have to name the Learning Path, then click Create.

Once created, click on the Learning Path just created and choose Learning Path Settings. You can modify several settings from this page.

  • Name - The name of the Learning Path that is displayed to everyone.

  • Introduction - A short summary of what the Learning Path entails, visible to users when they start the Learning Path.

  • Upload a Picture - Replaces the default image with an image of your choosing.

  • Category - Choose or add a category to help users sort through Learning Paths.

  • Enrollable from a web link - Allows self enrollment.

  • Learning Path Certificate - Provides a certificate of completion when all courses are complete.

To enable self-enrollment, you need to enable Enrollable from a Web Link and fill in the subscribe key. The subscribe key is essentially a password that the learner will need to enter in order to successfully enrol themselves. Once you have chosen a subscribe key, simply provide your learners with the link found below it and they will be able to self-register.

To add courses, simply click on the Learning Path Content tab and click on Add Course to Learning Path on the right.

If you want to force your learners to take courses in a certain order, simply enable Enforce Course Sequence.

Once Enforce Course Sequence is enabled, in order to modify the order, simply click on the reorder icon at the left of the course and drag-and-drop it to where you would like it to be. Alternatively, you can also use the arrows on the right side of the course to move courses up and down.

Please keep in mind that course prerequisites take precedence over Learning Paths. If one of your courses is the prerequisite of a course that comes before it in a Learning Path, the learner will not be able to complete the Learning Path.

Instructor Led Training

To get started creating Instructor-Led Training (ILT), you'll want to have a course created first — there doesn't need to be any content, just an empty course is fine.

Next, click on the Add Course Content button and select the option you need under the Instructor Led heading.

Next, give the ILT a name and choose the webinar service you want to use, if applicable, and click Proceed to Adding Timeslots. If your service is not listed, select Other (Any link) at the bottom.

On the next screen, click the Add Timeslot button to add your first one. Timeslots are the different sessions that a Learner can choose from for this particular ILT.

If a user attends any timeslot, the ILT will be considered as completed — users do not have to attend all of the timeslots. If a Learner needs to attend multiple sessions, you will need to create multiple ILTs, each with their own available timeslots.

On the timeslot creation page, fill in the fields.

Capacity: The maximum number of users that can sign up for the timeslot. Once this number is reached, the timeslot will become unavailable unless a registrant withdraws or chooses a different timeslot.

Webinar Link/Location: Only visible if you selected the Other (Any link) option, enter the URL that your webinar will be hosted at.

Attendance Key: This is a password that Learners can enter to mark themselves as having attended the session. If you do not choose one now, a random one will be generated. You are not required to provide this to your Learners as Admins and Managers can manually mark attendance — this is only used if you want your Learners to be able to do that themselves.

Add Timeslot: Click this button to add an additional timeslot that your Learners can choose from. You can add as many timeslots as you want, but Learners will only need to attend one.

Once you're done, click the final Add Timeslots button at the bottom of your screen to add the ILT to your course.

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