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Customizing the Dashboard
Customizing the Dashboard
Stephen Krzeminski avatar
Written by Stephen Krzeminski
Updated over 2 months ago

SkyPrep allows you to create custom dashboards for your users by customizing both the overall look of the platform and the widgets that appear on the Learner dashboard.

Here's an example of what a custom Dashboard can look like:

To customize the Admin dashboard widgets, refer to this article.

To begin customizing the Learner dashboard, click on the Settings button in the upper-right and click on Dashboard Customization.

Next, hover over the Default Dashboard and click on the Edit button.

Here you'll be able to change the dashboard as well as preview what it will look like to your learners on the right.


Dashboard Name: This is the name of this dashboard in your Learner Dashboards area, allowing you to quickly identify which is which if you have multiple.

Dashboard Theme: Choose the theme you want to use for your dashboard overall look. Click here to learn about customizing Themes.

Logo: The platform logo displayed in the upper-left corner of the platform.

Favicon: The image displayed in browser tabs and in bookmark bars.

Default Learning Display Style: Defaults courses to either list or tile view. Learners can toggle freely.

Default Course Overview Layout: Defaults courses to either use the Full Width or Split Width views. Can be changed in the Course Settings tab of a course.

Learner Dashboard Widgets

Widgets can be added by hovering over them and clicking on the + button.

The widgets can be customized by hovering over the widget in the list and clicking on the Edit button.

Widgets can be reordered by clicking and dragging the six dots to the left of each widget.

Announcement Board: Use this widget to add announcement cards to the dashboard. Announcements can include text, images, and a custom button. Click the Edit button to add a new card.

Recent Activity: Displays the most recent course that a Learner was active in and allows them to resume from where they left off.

My Current Learning: Displays all enrolled Courses and Learning Paths. Click the Edit button to choose whether Courses and Learning Paths are separated into tabs or combined in one list.

Learner Dashboard Image: Adds a custom image to the dashboard. Click the Edit button to add an image.

Recently Completed: Shows the courses that the Learner has recently completed. Click the Edit button to set how many courses can be shown, as well as the time frame for completed courses.

Embed URL: Embeds an external website onto the page. Only websites that support iframing can be used. You can test to see whether a website allows this by clicking here. Click the Edit button to add the website.

ILT Calendar: A calendar that displays the Learner's registered ILTs, ILTs that they can register for, as well ILTs they need to register for, and also allows them to register via the calendar.

Course Progress: A graphical display breaking down the ratio of completed, passed, failed, in-progress, and enrolled courses.

Performance: If your platform has Skill Tracking enabled, Learners can view their skills and competencies. The Edit button has an option to allow Learners to assign skills themselves.

Gamification: Shows the Learner's current points and badges. The Edit button can be used to link to an external store that uses gamification points. Click here to view the API call for creating a transaction using a Learner's point balance.

Pinned Resources: Attaches material from the Materials section to the dashboard. Click the Edit button to select the material.

My Learner Calendar: Displays a calendar for important dates, such as course deadlines and start dates.

Learner Navigation Bar

You can add up to three custom links to the top navigation bar. All links must start with https:// and any websites that start with http:// will not be supported.


If enabled, a Learner will be able to search for upcoming deadlines and ILTs, courses that offer specific skills or competencies, and for specific keywords.

Using Multiple Dashboards

If you are on a plan that supports multiple dashboards, you can add additional ones by clicking on the Add Dashboard button.

Once you have multiple dashboards, you can set rules to determine which users see which dashboard by clicking on the Add User Filters button, then on Add Rule. Users who match the rule(s) will see the selected dashboard.

If you have multiple dashboards, they can be reordered by clicking and dragging the six dots to the left of the dashboard.

Dashboards take priority from top down, so users that match multiple dashboards' rules will use the dashboard that comes first in the list.

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