To launch Studio, click on Training Elements -> Studio, then click on Create Studio Doc and give the content a name.
Below is a list of the different areas in Studio Builder:
Publish Document: This button confirms your changes and applies them to the live instances of the document. You will have the option to choose whether users that have already started the content will be affected as well.
Review Learner Attempts: Review learner's responses as well as assessments attempts
Document Versions: Allows you to see the different versions that have been published, as well as the number of users that are currently viewing, are in progress in, or have completed each version.
Document Settings: Lets you set document-wide settings and will be explained in the next section.
Save Document: Allows you to save your current progress
Preview Button: Shows you what the document will look like from the Learner’s perspective.
Block Library: Allows you to drag-and-drop Content Blocks into Sections that you create.
Table of Contents: Shows you a breakdown of all of the document’s Chapters, the Sections they contain, and icons that show which Content Blocks are being used. The buttons to create a new Chapter are also found here.
Contextual Panel: The contents of this panel are determined by the current Content Block that you are working on.
Document Settings
The Document Settings area contains several sections, each with their own settings.
General Settings: Select option to allow learners to have completed all sections visible on the page before being able to proceed to the next page of the document.
Question Details: If your document contains questions, you’ll be able to specify how many points a correct answer will give on a per-question basis, as well as how many total points the user needs to achieve for a passing grade.
Audio Video Explainer: Upload or record a video/audio explainer to any section to reinforce the content.
Export: Allows you to export the document as either a SCORM 1.2 or PDF file, or share it via email or a URL.
Adding Chapters and Sections
To start adding to your document, click on the Add a Chapter button in the centre, but if you’ve already begun working, you’ll need to use the Add a Chapter button located on the left panel.
Give your Chapter a name by typing in the text field, then click Add Section.
Sections are essentially pages in the Chapter. The document is made up of Chapters, each with their own set of Sections. While you can add as many Sections as you want, you can also create Chapters that only have one Section.
Give your section a name and add additional sections if needed by clicking the Add Blank Section button.
You can also add or delete sections in this window.
From the left, you can choose from various content template categories to add (more details on the different content options in the next section).
When you are selecting your first template, click Save Selection then Create Chapter.
Content Template Categories
From the Block Library, you have four Content Templates Categories with various Content Blocks.
To learn more on how to add various Templates, select a a Content Category below:
Text & Media: Text, Image, Video, Viewer
User Input: Question, Branch Form, Scenario, Feedback, Confirmation
Interactive: Hotspot, Flashcard, Slider, Flow Chart, Org Chart
Layout: Spacer (See below for more information).
Once you’ve created a Section, you can drag additional content blocks from the Block Library onto the page, up to a maximum of three columns.
As previously mentioned, you can also add content when you first create a section.
Text & Media
Text: Use this option if you want to type text content.
When you click your content from the centre, the Contextual Panel will contain an Open Editor tab and a Settings tab. From the settings tab you can set the required viewing time, shift the content block left or right, duplicate it, or remove it. You can also use the Layout option to choose whether the different blocks in the section are displayed in separate tabs or in a grid layout.
When you click a section from the Table of Contents, the Contextual Panel will contain a Settings tab. From here you can shift your sections up or down within the chapter (if you have multiple sections), add a page break, duplicate it, or remove it.
You can also Add Video and Audio to your content by selecting the Add Video/Audio Explainer tab.
***This settings tab is found in all content blocks and contains the same settings.***
Image: This content block allows you to upload a custom image. You may also select an image by searching Unsplash’s image catalog, inserting a GIF through the Giphy search option or use AI to generate an image.
To learn more about AI Image Generator, refer to this article: AI Image Generator for Studio
When you click your content, the Contextual Panel will contain three tabs:
Image Style: Contains buttons to replace or remove the image. You can also choose between stretching the image, cropping the image, or fitting the image to the content block. Below, there’s the rotation buttons and text fields to add a caption, alt text in case the image doesn’t load, and a URL that the image can redirect to.
Image Design: Lets you add a custom border or overlay text over the image.
Settings: Set the required viewing time, shift the content block left or right, duplicate it, or remove it.
Video: Either upload a video file directly from your computer or search Youtube and easily embed any video.
The Contextual Panel contains the Video Settings, which allows you to replace the current video with a different selection.
Viewer: Similar to how other Material is displayed in the platform, you can upload most file types and have it previewed in the document.
The Contextual Panel lets you replace the content with a different file, select which pages are visible, and set the page or time that the file starts on. You can also toggle between a scrolling document and a booklet that turns pages when clicked.
SP Material: This block lets you reuse content you've already uploaded into SkyPrep. Selecting this option will open the Materials section where you can easily choose which item you want to embed.
User Input
Question: Allows you to add different questions types to test your Learners while they’re working through the document and its content.
There are seven question formats that are currently supported:
Multiple Choice: Type a question and enter the possible answer choices. Users can be required to select one or multiple options based on which multiple choice type you choose.
True or False: Type a statement and set whether it is true or false.
Order: Type a list of items in order from top down. Learners will need to reorder a scrambled version of the list.
Mix & Match: Type two lists of items, with each row a matching pair. Learners will need to identify which pairs match in scrambled, side-by-side lists.
Fill in the Blank: Type the full, correct phrase in the text and field and select the word that should be hidden. You can enter additional words that will either be shown or accepted, based on whether Word Bank or User Entry styles are chosen.
Short Answer: Enter the question text and choose how a Learner can respond. You can choose between a video response, text response, and an audio response, with the option to require a response.
The Contextual Panel allows you to edit a question or change its type.
To assign points to assessment questions, click Document Settings and under the Question Details section, you can set the individual question point values as well as the required number of points needed to complete the document.
Branch Forms: Branching Forms allow you to create a form or assessment that provides users with different options based on the previous answer or response they submitted. Click here to view the help article on using Branching Forms in your platform.
Scenario: Create scenario-based training or role-play training where learners can respond to a given scenario using an AI bot. To learn more, please refer to this article.
Feedback: This content block allows you to collect feedback from your Learners through various formats.
Short Text: Allows Learners to submit typed feedback.
Multiple Choice: Allows Learners to pick feedback from the provided options.
Rating: Learners can submit a rating on a customizable scale that ranges from 1 to 10. You can also change the icon that is being used for the ratings.
Opinion Scale: Allows users to submit a rating on a scale that can be numerical or based on emotional response, such as Strongly Agree vs Strongly Disagree.
The Contextual Panel contains settings to change the feedback format, and for some formats, also contains settings to customize the existing panel, such as changing the Rating icons.
Confirmation: Allows you to request confirmation or an attestation from your Learners.
You can choose from several different formats:
Signature: Requires the Learner's signature, signed with their mouse or finger.
Date: Saves the date and time that a Learner clicks on the Date button.
Checkbox: Requires the Learner to tick a checkbox.
You can also combine any of the two, and the Contextual Panel will allow you to change the confirmation type.
Hotspot: Upload an image and mark key target zones using the Add Target Zone button.
The Contextual Panel lets you select hotspot size as well as the style. You can also edit hotspot information.
Flash Card: Create deck of cards with terms/concepts at the front and description at the back. Images can also be added to the front and/or back of the card to further explain the term/concept.
The Contextual Panel lets you select a deck style and count style. You can choose to show card count and randomize the card order and if the front and back of cards must be viewed in order to complete the block.
Slider/Journey: Upload a sequence of images and add text descriptions to each. Users can drag a slider to move through the sequence, viewing the images and text descriptions in order.
After adding your first step, you can click on the Add Step button highlighted below to add additional images and text steps to the Journey.
The Contextual Panel contains settings for the look, such as image scaling and the slider colour, but also includes two options for Incremental and Continuous modes. Incremental will display each image as separate images when the user scrolls through the timeline, while continuous mode will smoothly blend the images together.
Once finished, users will be able to move through the Journey and view the images and text in order. This is an example using continuous mode, where you can see the images blend gradually as the user progresses.
Flow Chart: Drag and drop different elements onto the page and map out a flow chart. Clicking and dragging the text of an element will allow you to move it, while clicking and dragging on the element shape will allow you to draw arrows to other elements.
The Contextual Panel contains the elements that you can drag onto the chart.
Org Chart: Drag and drop different elements onto the page to create an Org Chart that moves from the top down. Clicking and dragging the text of an element will allow you to move it, while clicking and dragging on the element shape will allow you to draw arrows to other elements.
The Contextual Panel contains the elements that you can drag onto the chart.
Accordion: Lets you create multiple sections that each have a collapsable text element. You can add additional sections by clicking Add a Panel, which will bring up a window for you to enter the panel header and body text.
The Contextual Panel lets you reorder the sections and choose whether the first panel is automatically expanded when the section is viewed. You can also opt to only allow one section to be visible at a time. You can also customize the look of the section, such as changing the expand button between a + or a v button, as well as changing the header and text colors.
Spacer: This is an empty block that allows you to add white space to a section to visually separate different elements on the page.
Transition Animations
You can add animations to different sections of your Studio document. To do so, just click on the section you want to add a transition animation to, then on the Animation tab.
Use the dropdown menu to choose the animation style, then set how quickly the animation should play, and how long the delay should be before it is shown.
Once you're done creating the document, check to make sure that your Chapters and Sections are correctly named and click the Publish Document button.
It will then become available for use in your platform and can be added to your courses like any other Material.